4 AXIS CNC MILL $5500.00 cash or I can send you a payment request via paypal so you can pay with credit card.
Charter Oak IHC 12z Mill converted to CNC . This mill is fully functional and running mach4. X,Y and A axis are driven by 1600 ozin steppers. Z has 4200 ozin stepper. X,Y and Z are moved by large 25mm ballscrews. Travels 21 x 10 x 16.5". Spindle is factory stock 6 speed gearbox 96-1890rpm. R8 spindle nose. Custom stand with tool box. Dual air/mist arms. 220v single phase.
Windows 10 pc running mach4 with Ethernet Smooth Stepper motion control card to multiple CNC4PC breakout boards. Toroidal power supply and is well organized. Documents for all in a binder.
This would be a good machine for you if you were thinking about converting a mill for hobby use. I converted this machine for my own use and have since gotten enough work that I need a machine with and enclosure, flood coolant and tool changer so I am selling it.
Think of it as a kit. I stopped adding up the parts I purchased after $6500 so you can't even buy just the pieces. The stand is fabricated from 3" square tube and 3" channel. The 4th axis is a 10" made in Taiwan horizontal/rotary table. The original quill is intact for manual drilling operations and it will easily drill 1" twist drill through steel. Operator control panel partially finished. I have the buttons for cycle start, feed hold, reset etc wired but didn't have the time to figure out how to program all the inputs for mach4.
I will throw in a bunch of tooling including: Shars 6" cnc vise, hold down kit, collets, endmill holders, endmills, drill chuck and 4 jaw self centering chuck on the 4th axis.
I will rent a hilo the day you come to pick up the machine so I can set it on your trailer. Figure about 2500 lbs. you will be responsible for securing it and hauling. The machine is quite tall at 89".
I can demonstrate a 4 axis part of my choosing being milled prior to purchase so you can see everything work.
Asking $5500.00 Cash or PayPal.