Coolant aimed at part zero
This add on has been one of my favorite things Tormach has come up with. There is a motor that adjusts the aim of the coolant (or air with multicool) utilizing either part zero or tool tip (your choice) via H offset value of the specific tool.
Still at part zero
I tried to capture a fairly extreme case to highlight the benefit. This is peck drilling a 1/2” dia hole in aluminum. The stream stays pointed at the part top (automatically in Fusion 360) so the drill is washed and plenty of coolant flushes the hole at each return to rapid plane.
Depending on what you operation you are doing, the stream can be aimed at the tool tip, or oscillated via R value. The oscillation may seem a bit gimmicky at first, but when machining a slot, the up and down motion of the coolant nozzle produces splashing that actually works quite well at clearing chips. Fusion tries to figure out what you are trying to do and applies the aiming it believes best. At the heart of it smartcool is controlled by simple G code that is easily understood and manipulated.